Registration & Enrollment Information

To enroll and register for classes with Davis Connect, see the information below:

Need help? Call Jodie at 801-402-9023 or Email Jodie Gardner

Fall Registration

2024-25 Registration

All Students

Please complete the following survey regardless of whether or not you intend on returning to Davis Connect. This lets us know your intentions for this coming school year.

Returning Students

2024-25 Fall Registration

For students who are currently enrolled in Davis Connect, it is time to start thinking about preparing for the new school year. One item that needs your attention is Fall Registration. There are several steps that we need you to complete in order to register your child.

To Be Completed Now

Please complete these steps to begin registration for the 2024-25 school year.

Registration Optional Forms

These items are not required for your child to be registered for school but may be something to consider.

Unenroll from Davis Connect

We ask that all students enrolled with Davis Connect commit to attend for the entire school year. If there is an emergency situation that requires a mid-year transfer of enrollment, it may affect student grades and/or graduation credits. For mid-year enrollment changes, we recommend for these to occur at the end/beginning of a new term. 

Process to Withdraw from Davis Connect 7-12

These guidelines should be used when withdrawing at the end of the term or end of the school year. Students will be unenrolled the first day of the new term (for end of term grading purposes) and could possibly start at their new school on the second day of the new term. 

  • Notify the Davis Connect Registrar, Jodie Gardner - (801) 402-9023 or Email Jodie Gardner of your intent to withdraw your student from Davis Connect 7-12 at least one week prior to the end of the term or school year. Include your student's name, date of birth, new school to attend, and the planned date of enrollment at the new school.

  • Contact the school to which your student is transferring, and work with them on their enrollment process. Have the school contact the Davis Connect Registrar to confirm enrollment. Students will not be withdrawn from Davis Connect until the Registrar receives a confirmation of enrollment elsewhere.

  • Return your Davis Connect device(s) to the Davis Connect Tech Support Center (once coursework is complete, unless you have a personal device to finish course work) or a $250 fine will be assessed. 

  • Pay any unpaid school fees via the guardian myDSD account.

Once the Davis Connect withdrawal process is complete, we will email the guardian a copy of the Notice of Withdrawal Form showing current grades, which you can forward to the new school.

Please understand that withdrawals may take up to 48 hours, so please plan accordingly.

Questions? Please contact the Davis Connect Registrar:
Jodie Gardner - (801) 402-9023 or Email Jodie Gardner